Lesson 5 - Prophet Saleh/Saaleh AS صالح
Lineage : His lineage traces back to Sam, the eldest son of Nuh AS. He is related to Hud AS from the people of Aad. His name is mentioned 9 times in the Quran in 4 Surahs. He was in a place called Al-Hijr. There is a Surah called Al-Hijr (15) and he was from the people of Thamud which is mentioned in the Qur’an 26 times. It’s important to look at all 3 (all references of Saleh AS, Thamud and Surah Al-Hijr) when finding the story of Saleh AS. Evidences that Saleh AS is a Prophet From Qur’an: Surah 26:141-143 - “The people of Thamud rejected the messengers when their brother Salih said to them, ‘Do you not fear Allah? I am an honest messenger to you” This verse clarifies that Salih was a messenger sent to the people of Thamud. A messenger is usually sent to his own people (with the exception of Prophet Lut AS) Surah 91:11 - “ Thamud rejected the truth out of arrogance, when the most wicked man amongst them was roused (to kill the she-camel). But the messenger of Allah warned them...