Lesson 4 - Prophet Hood/Hud AS هُوْد
Lineage: Idreece son of Yared son of Mehlaeel son of Qenan son of Anoosh son of Sheeth son of Adam AS. He is mentioned two times in two verses in two chapters in the Quran. However, there are no specifics on his story, just his name. Please refer to lesson one where we speak about relying on al-isra’eleyyat (the Jewish and Christian sources)
There are differences of opinions on whether Sheeth (Seth) was a Prophet.
Evidences that Idris is a Prophet
From Qur’an:
- Surah 19:56 - وَٱذْكُرْ فِى ٱلْكِتَـٰبِ إِدْرِيسَ ۚ إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ صِدِّيقًۭا نَّبِيًّۭا “And mention in the Book O Prophet, the story of Enoch. He was surely a man of truth and a prophet.” - here is a clear evidence as Allah says he’s a Prophet and that he is Sadeeq (Truthful), an attribute associated with a Prophet.
- Surah 21:85 - وَإِسْمَـٰعِيلَ وَإِدْرِيسَ وَذَا ٱلْكِفْلِ ۖ كُلٌّۭ مِّنَ ٱلصَّـٰبِرِينَ “And remember Ishmael, Enoch, and Ⱬul-Kifl. They were all steadfast.” This Surah is about the Prophets of the past, who also preached the same faith as Muhammad SAW. Idris is mentioned alongside other Prophets and Allah praises them.
From Sunnah:
- The night journey - Al’Isra wal’Miraj story. Prophet Muhammed SAW journeys to heaven and meets Idris AS on the 4th heaven. Reference - Sahih al-Bukhari 3342 and Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3157
- According to a hadith from Abu-Dharr, it is narrated that 30 books were revealed to Idris AS - considered a weak hadith - (source - Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan in his Saheeh (al-Ihsaan fi Taqreeb Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan), (2/76-77)
- Hadith mentioned that Idris was given 30 pages, not a book. This is called a Sahaif. unable to verify this
Prophet (Nabi) or Messenger (Rasool)? Both, he is referenced clearly in Quran as a Prophet and there is a general acceptance that he was given a new law which means he was a messenger, following a law different to Aadam AS.
- He was born in Babylon, which is now known as modern-day Iraq. Initially, he worked as a tailor and walked with the grace of a shepherd, consistently invoking Allah's name. It was a common practice for prophets to lead a shepherd's life before receiving their prophethood.
- Idris became a Prophet at the age of 40.
- The mission of Idris was to join what is good and forbid what was evil. He advised people to stay away from prohibited actions (haram), emphasising that fulfilling one's obligations leads to true happiness.
- A profound quote attributed to him is: "If you want to thank Allah, be good to His creation." This underscores the idea that showing kindness and goodness to others is the most genuine way to express gratitude to Allah.
- He lived his life in Babil known as Babylon.
- Idiris AS called the people back to the religion of his forefathers, but only a few listened. Allah commanded him to lead his followers to another land. For some, this news was difficult but the true believers listened and left with him for Egypt.
- Egypt was empty at that time. Idris AS established the first generation there in the area now called Cairo. Allah blessed Idris AS with extensive knowledge, like how to build cities, buildings, foundations, civilisations, etc. He was credited with building over 188 cities.
- Idris is credited as the first to use a pen, as mentioned in Surah Iqra (link), referring to Allah teaching Idris to write with wood and ink. This marked the beginning of recorded knowledge and writing.
Harut and Marut
- During Idris AS time in Babylon, Harut and Marut were present. Harut and Marut are a pair of Angels mentioned in the Quran. Their story is a great mystery regarding descending to earth in human form and being punished for sexual transgression.
- Some scholars have rejected this story as mere fiction on the basis that we can not authenticate it. Others have stated that it can’t be dismissed in its entirety and some of its message aligns with Shari’ah (our laws). The main sources for the below story is from al-isra’eleyyat, and we know there are some errors as Allah refutes some of their claims in Surah Baqarah, and the original story refers to Jibraeel and Mika’il.
The Story:
- Allah created Adam, and when the Angels questioned this creation that they might cause mischief and corruption, Allah explained that He knew what they did not. (Surah 2:30 - link)
- The Angels queried what the creations were doing (as in they were disbelieving). Allah explained that humans were made with desires, whereas Angels were not. The Angels said that if they were given desires we would not forget you.
- Allah instructed the Angels to select from among them, He would then grant them the ability to desire, send them down to earth and Observe their conduct. The Angels chose Harut and Marut, who were known for their righteousness. They were sent down to Babil.
- After one month, they both encountered a woman. This woman was exceptionally beautiful that they used to call her Venus (the most beautiful planet). Some narrations state her name was Zuhrah (mentioned in Ma’ariful Quran tafsir). The Angels, now experiencing desires, approached her with the intention to sin.
- She laid down a condition that they could only have a relationship with her if they renounced their belief in Allah. The Angels firmly refused, leading to her departure.
- After a while, she returned with another proposal: a relationship would only be possible if they killed her step-son. The Angels refused, citing that murder is haram, and so she left..
- She returned once again, and proposed that they could only approach her if they consumed alcohol. The Angels, deeming this a lesser evil compared to the prior suggestions, agreed and engaged in a relationship with her. Her step-son witnessed the act, prompting the Angels, driven by the fear of exposure, to kill him.
- The woman explained that their evil actions stemmed entirely from their consumption of alcohol. Allah punished the woman.
- Harut and Marut, now regretful, approached Idris AS to intercede with Allah for their repentance. Allah granted them a choice between punishment in this world (duniya) or the hereafter (Akhirah), and they opted for the former, believing it to be less severe.
- They both stayed on earth and were known for teaching magic, but when they taught a person, they warned them that this could lead to Kufr.
- Some argue that the beginning of magic started from Harut and Marut and that they still face consequences for their actions.
- This is the part of the story the Muslims refute as can be seen in the below verse.
- Surah Baqarah 2:102 - “They instead followed the magic promoted by the devils during the reign of Solomon. Never did Solomon disbelieve, rather the devils disbelieved. They taught magic to the people, along with what had been revealed to the two angels, Hârût and Mârût, in Babylon.The two angels never taught anyone without saying, “We are only a test ˹for you˺, so do not abandon ˹your˺ faith.” Yet people learned ˹magic˺ that caused a rift ˹even˺ between husband and wife; although their magic could not harm anyone except by Allah’s Will. They learned what harmed them and did not benefit them—although they already knew that whoever buys into magic would have no share in the Hereafter. Miserable indeed was the price for which they sold their souls, if only they knew!”
- This verse is refuting the Jews claim that Solomon used to learn black arts of the devils (Shayatin), was a disbeliever and a magician. The second refute is that the Jews claimed that Jibraeel and Mika’il brought magic down, Allah corrected them by confirming the two Angels were Harut and Marut and that He did not send magic down (Source Ibn Kathir tafsir). The magic was already being taught by the devils and Harut and Marut would advise the people that “we are only a test for you so do not abandon your faith” and then tell them where to go to learn magic.
His death
- He died at the age of 82, at a time when 82 was relatively young.
- On a really hot day, Idris AS started to think about the Angel associated with the sun. We have Angels who look after the mountains, the moon and the movement of the sun. Idris AS prayed to Allah for ease for the Angel responsible for the sun's movements.
- Responding to his plea, Allah alleviated the Angel's duties. Malik-as-Shams, the Angel of the Sun, told Allah that he used to suffer a lot and now his job was easy, Allah explained why and the Angel sought permission to visit Idris AS where their friendship grew.
- In his 82nd year, the Angel visited Idris, who expressed a desire to go to heaven. The Angel sought permission from Allah, which was granted. With Idris AS under his wing, they ascended to the fourth heaven. There, they encountered the Angel of Death. Inquiring about his presence, the Angel explained that he was sent to take Idris AS life in the fourth heaven. The Angel of the Sun confirmed that Idris AS was under his wing, he then looked at the Angel of Death, known as Israfeel, and died.
- Some scholars say Allah granted him a special life in heaven.
Notes from al-isra’eleyyat (Torah and Bible)
- According to the Israelite traditions, God took up Idris (Enoch) to heaven. The Bible says: "...and he was not; for God took him" (Gen. 5: 21-24)., and the Talmud states that "Enoch ascended to heaven..."
Side conversation in the lesson
- Some scholars argue that there are 4 Prophets who are still alive; two in heaven - Idris AS and Esa AS, and two on earth - Ilyas AS and al-Khidr AS (friend of Musa in Surah Kahf and his Prophethood is disputed by some)
- Differences between Heaven and Paradise. Paradise is eternal, while Heaven is not. They are not the same thing. Jannah is above the seven heavens. Heaven is Samat (sky).
- A valuable lesson can be learned - if someone leaves something for the sake of Allah, Allah will give him more. The principle can be seen by those who left with Idris AS to Egypt.
Next week - Prophet Nuh AS
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